Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm turning 27 on Friday

It's 6:01 PM on June 30. I have someplace to be tomorrow. My birthday is Friday, Independence Day, July 4. I have many things going through my head. I miss Haylee and Sheila. I need to create. I have to go put gas in my car. And if I sit and think long enough, I think to myself, I need to make my life more interesting.

How does one make her life more interesting?

I could keep up with my blog, for one thing :)

I could keep up with my artwork. I did two paintings last week. Paintings, not oil pastel drawings. I haven't painted in the longest time. Not since before Molly passed away.

I got a haircut. I like it. It makes me feel different. Apparently it gave me a boost of confidence, as well. Because other people noticed too. Male people. :-D. And when I say it made me feel different, I mean. . .different like. . .a new person. A different personality. I don't know.

Much has happened over the last year. I wish I could forget but I can't. People have passed. People have left, beyond the control of myself or them. If I could, I'd bring them back. But I can't. More people are leaving me.

Oh Lord. I didn't intend for this to sound melancholy, really I didn't. It was supposed to be somewhat reflective and introverted.

And I still haven't many ideas as how to make my life more interesting.

*Ha. Try to become a vegetarian. . . it'd never happen. . .*

*But I could try to eat healthier.*

Great. Now I have to go to Wal-Mart. For the third time today.