Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My phone is not working.

Why? Because we had Comcast Digital Voice installed today. And they are currently having a city-wide service failure. Talk about Murphy's Law.

Nine more days. Then I can allow myself to start listening to Christmas music.

Just blogging random stuff.

Oh. Painted a picture for Pastor and Sister Phillips (my pastor and his wife) for Pastor Appreciation Day this past Sunday:

Pastor almost made me cry when he told me, "I will always cherish it."

I've been cleaning.

Oddly enough, I did not watch this today:

I thought I would, since I now own the entire series. But I didn't. Don't know why. I guess I was just too busy trying to get rid of some stuff.

Okay. That's all I have for now. I promise I'll try to get more interesting stuff for the next entry. :)