Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The seasons are changing. . .

The high today here near Charleston was in the upper 70's. . .hallelujah! It's a sign that it's almost Autumn, my favorite season of the year! I don't know why exactly I love it so much. I guess maybe because as a child, it was the time to go back to school; dinnertime with my family; playing outside until it got dark. . .now, I love the changing colors, the falling leaves. The only trees we had at my childhood home were pine trees, so until I was an adult, I never really got to see leaves falling. Oh, I'm sure that had I looked at the trees in the next door neighbor's yard, I would have seen them. But now that we have leafy trees in our front yard (and our back yard), the changing season is so much more evident to me now. In Fall I like to watch the leaves showering down out of the trees when a strong breeze blows. And I love the cooler temperatures after the long, hot, humid summer. Too, it takes us into the Halloween/Fair time of year, which goes into Thanksgiving, then Christmas. . .you get the idea. And now. . .I don't know. Autumn just does something to me. It changes me somehow. I can't explain it.

All we got from Hanna, by the way, was a lot of rain and a breeze. Thankfully.